In a realm plagued by darkness and decay, you play as a lone adventurer who possesses the ability to manipulate time and gain a second chance at life. The world is filled with treacherous dungeons and formidable enemies. Your goal is to traverse through these dungeons, and ultimately restore balance to the realm.

The main mechanic of Ethereal Rebirth  revolves around the concept of second chances. Whenever your character dies, instead of facing permanent death, they are transported back in time to the beginning of their journey, retaining certain progress and abilities. This allows players to learn from their mistakes, adapt their strategy, and approach each dungeon run with renewed knowledge and experience.

--- Controls ---

WASD - Move

Left Mouse - Attack

Right Mouse - Secondary

E - Special

Space - Dash

Shift - Rewind


Ethereal Rebirth (Win).exe 83 MB


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Excellent game... keep it going.