Art: PickleOstrich

Sound: jonlongbeard

5 Seconds late to the submission. ;(

WASD to move

Left Click to shoot

Traverse through 5 rooms. Every time you clear a room, you roll dice for a random gun, and a random modifier.

Bug: Rocket launcher explosion doesn't always trigger when hitting an enemy


A CaSIno but Slightly More EVIL!!!.exe 39 MB


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Overall pretty nice! It was fun to play and the randomized weapons definitely makes each run unique

I agree with Calavara on the knife being weak. Something that may have worked better if you don't want to increase the weapon range is to give it some knockback so that enemies are pushed away and cant point blank range fire at you. Another option could be to stun enemies a bit on hit

The music was a bit conflicting with it both being a slow piano song and breakbeat. It sort of takes you out of the experience since there two things fighting for attention in your ears. The sfx was also a bit too loud with the footsteps.

The fact the song doesn't change at all when you die is also not really great when playing since you've still got the intense beat but that no longer fits the current mood attempted to be portrayed in the game

I believe the knife by default one shots every enemy in the game but it is a little bullshit to have to walk into their 100% accurate bullets. As far as your music concerns the idea of the mashup was mine it's just kinda the stuff I listen to lol but I will acknowledge it's appeal can be a bit niche. Thank you for playing though we'll keep it in mind for future iterations.

Shame it was slightly late, but adding a few more weapons would have been helpful. I'll try to be a bit in-depth with this:

* The knife is a bit too weak, largely because of its range. Personally, I would have replaced it with a sword, giving it a reason for having more range. That said, I do feel it was offset by the fact you healed to full health after each room.

* If this is a casino, then you could make it more cluttered with, say, slot machines. You could even make it maze-like, reflective of how actual casinos are designed. The more cramped it is, the more I think weapons like the knife will thrive.

* I was a bit surprised when the rocket launcher didn't do self-damage. If you decide to combine that with the cramped gimmick, then that could add some more depth to playstyles.

* I didn't feel much difference between the pistol and the other gun (AK?). There may have been an increased fire rate, but I didn't notice.

* The art is simplistic, but then again, nothing wrong with simplistic. Besides, it still stands out.

* I think adding enemy variety would be a bit useful. It seems like the enemy can already chase you, so in future builds, why not add one that rushes straight at you with increased speed? Or have others use weapons like you do.

* I think adding trade-offs would be better than either absolute benefits or absolute negatives. For example, 'blam-up,' and 'damage-down.' Adds a bit more depth in combat while making encounters at least seem fair, though maybe your system would work better. Again, just personal preference.

Awesome breakdown we will definitely consider all of this for the future

The pistol and ak may have felt similar because of the modifiers with each. The ak shoot almost twice as fast as the pistol. A sword was a weapon idea but we didn't have time to implement it.

It's a shame that you missed the deadline, the game is quite fun and a replayed quite a bit since I wanted to get the RPG (took me quite a while to finally get). I realised that you can actually hit the enemies through walls with the knife! 

I really enjoyed the music and honestly the visuals are quite nice too, I think the enemies and player look unique.

Lol looks like someone found the knife's true power after all I did the same thing

I had a lot of fun with this game!  Also, the music was really good.  The knife did feel a bit unfair, but its rarity meant that my enjoyment was unaffected.

Yeah we wanted to incorporate some weapons with varying degrees of power to make it more interesting but the knife does need a bit more love i think.

nice! unfortunate that it didnt get to the submission deadline

Yeah stuff happens the game is definitely better because of it though and you got to play a better game at submission time it wouldn't have been as well liked I guarantee it.


Amazing game! I feel extremely bad that such a good game missed the deadline! The game was really cool! 


Thank you

It's a double edged sword the build we had ready at the end time was super broken now camden made it much better

Ahhh sorry you missed the deadline! I played on stream over at if you want to find that in the VOD!

I fixed all the bugs shown in your video lol!

It was fun watching you play and seeing new ways it could be horribly broken lol. The luck was definitely on your side for your run you got the ar like every time

Amazing game! Love tje art style and music, as well as the overall feel

Thank you for playing

(3 edits)

I loved the music. I loved the sound effects! I think the sounds fit the game really well!

I like the artwork too. The style of the artwork felt intentional.

But... The player does get stuck if you don't avoid the walls. The enemy takes a while to die, so I overshoot quite a bit. When you kill the enemy, you kill their bullets too.

However, I honestly enjoyed this game a little bit more than I should.

lol thank you the art style was very much intentional. Honestly as one of the people who helped make it I literally agree with everything you said.

4/5 Enjoyment

5/5 Creativity

5/5 Production

"l0rdi_:'Stop giving me a knife'" - Twitch Chat

The music was an ABSOLUTE bOP. Gameplay was nice and simple and quick and short very nice. Good art.

Thanks for playing I only say the last bit you played but it was super fun seeing your twitch stream EVERYONE GIVE THIS MAN A FOLLOW.

I made it to stage 6.   I'm not sure why the player starts with low health after dying.  On the later stages you should just restart.  The melee weapons are basically auto death.  The visuals are very crude.  The player gets stuck on things constantly. 

I agree with you on the health stat being low at the start being an issue you are 100% correct. I'm curious if you could elaborate on why the visuals didn't click for you as I was responsible for almost everything in that department. I think most of your criticism is valid I'm just curious because I would describe my art style as crude but I feel like you said it not as a compliment. 

Health bug got fixed it now resets properly, and the melee weapons have been buffed a bit. The player getting stuck has kind of been fixed